Snow Route Parking Ban in effect - April 14, 2022

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A city-wide clearing operation is currently in progress beginning with Priority 1; highways surrounding the City, main streets and sidewalks, and emergency routes; followed by Priority 2; collector streets. A Snow Route Parking Ban will be in effect starting tonight, Thursday, April 14, 2022 at 11 p.m. till 7 a.m.

Snow routes are clearly marked with signs like these:

Parking Ban  Parking Ban Image

Residents are encouraged to check streets for snow route signs, or if unsure, use our snow route parking ban map, located on our Winter Control page. We are urging residents to make arrangements to move their vehicles onto side streets.

City crews will be clearing snow throughout the day, overnight and into the Easter weekend. Residents who do not need to drive anywhere are encouraged to stay home until the main streets have been cleared.

 For more information on the City’s response to the spring blizzard, see and follow us @cityofyorkton on Facebook.