Bylaw Fast Facts
Dumping snow on City streets or City-owned property
Posted on Tuesday, March 05, 2024 10:50 AM
Dumping snow into the street, lane or onto City-owned property, including ditches or green spaces is not allowed as per our Traffic Bylaw.
Extra snow on City streets can make it hard for vehicles to drive through before the snow plows are able to clear the streets. Also, by moving snow from your property onto City property or streets, you may be unintentionally contributing to drainage issues in the springtime.
Tidy up your yard before winter
Posted on Monday, September 18, 2023 11:21 AM
Don't be that neighbour... tidy up your yard before winter.
Those frosty mornings will soon be here to stay, along with the items you never brought inside or threw away. Avoid accumulating car parts, building materials and garbage in your yard. Keep your household furniture such as couches and beds indoors.
Your neighbours do not want to see that and it will also prevent rodents, insects and other wild animals from calling your yard home. Want to learn more about property standards? Check out...
Stay alert when entering a work zone
Posted on Tuesday, June 27, 2023 08:35 AM
City crews and contractors take the time to set up safe work areas, including setting up barricades, pylons and signs that advise motorists and members of the public to stop, take an alternate route or slow down because there are workers and potential danger ahead.
Creating these work areas ensures the protection of City staff, contractors, and the protection of the public. Our Community Safety Officers monitor motorist activity at all work zones throughout the city.
When entering a construction...
Dandelion Control
Posted on Monday, June 06, 2022 07:46 AM
Dandelions, identified by their bright yellow blooms and fluffy seedheads, are a well-known plant in Yorkton.
We do not have a bylaw regulating dandelion growth. The City tries to control dandelions on our property by using an integrated pest management program that consists mainly of cutting, with aeration and fertilization for sport fields and spraying in some locations.
Dandelions on your propertyYorkton bylaws do not prohibit dandelions on private property. However, no owner or occupant...
Unlicensed Vehicles Parked on City Streets
Posted on Tuesday, November 16, 2021 09:53 AM
Did you know?
Unlicensed vehicles or unregistered vehicles cannot be parked on City streets for any length of time. The fine for parking an unlicensed/unregistered vehicle on a City street is $100. (Traffic Bylaw 18/2016)
Parking unlicensed/unregistered vehicles on City streets puts all motorists at risk because unregistered vehicles are not insured.