Snow Route Parking Ban in Effect for the Downtown Core starting Thursday, December 15

Snow plow and truck

City crews were out at 2 a.m. this morning, Thursday, December 15, clearing the Urban Connector (Highway 9, Highway 10 E., Highway 16 A., and York Road). These roadways were completed this morning and crews have now moved on to Priority 1 main streets and emergency routes, focusing on Mayhew Ave., Darlington St. and Gladstone Ave. 

A Snow Route Parking Ban will be in effect starting tonight, Thursday, December 15 from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. for the downtown business district (blue zone). These streets include Broadway St. from Laurier Ave. to Dracup Ave.; Argyle St. and Livingstone St.; Betts, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Avenues between Broadway St. and Smith St.

On Friday, December 16, our Roadways crew will return to clearing the Priority 1 main streets and emergency routes. Crews are also out sanding/salting intersections and will continue to work on spot clearing areas with high drifts, and clearing sidewalks.

When you see a work zone, please remember to slow down or take an alternate route.

Visit our Winter Control page to learn more about our winter maintenance policy and snow removal procedures. Sign up for our Voyent Alert! Notification System and receive City Service notifications through an app, email, text message or phone call.